Kalixity, LLC

Culture in Context:


Stakeholder Communications

Align communications with business values and objectives

Create the operational framework for engaging stakeholders in value creation though strategic communications and meaningful dialogue.


Apply strategic stakeholder planning and analysis to communications planning

Develop a Stakeholder Communications Plan designed for your specific engagement objectives and business context.   Kalixity builds metrics into your Stakeholder Initiative to ensure that investment in Stakeholder Communications is measured for effectiveness.


Plan for proactive, interactive communications

Develop a Stakeholder Communications Plan addressing roles and responsibilities; principles and guidelines; strategic objectives, measures, and reporting; prioritized stakeholders and their communications needs; channels, timelines, content, and voices; feedback mechanisms and the capture of lessons learned.  Kalixity will help you build listening and meaningful dialogue into your Communications Plan to encourage information sharing, better organizational decision-making, decrease risk, address resistance, and build stakeholder alignment.   


Stakeholder Communications Consultation and Facilitation

Kalixity offers:
  • Tailored Stakeholder Communications Plan
  • Stakeholder Communications and Messaging
  • Mapping and Timeline of Communications to Stakeholder Groups
  • Stakeholder Feedback & Lessons Learned Analysis & Recommendations
  • Focused Issue/Challenge Consultations